It is in this factory on the outskirts of Chartres, the world's stained-glass capital, that the Loire family has for 3 generations been crafting the works of art to be found in religious and public buildings all over the workd.
Created in 1946 by Gabriel Loire (1904-1996) to make his own stained glass windows and mosaics, the workshops are now run by Jacques, Hervé and Bruno (Gabriel's son and grandsons). They perpetuate creativity and technical research while maintaining their know-how for traditional stained glass windows and glass slabs. With a team of about ten craftsmen, the workshops can carry out very important projects in France and abroad. Created in 1946 by Gabriel Loire (1904-1996) to make his own...
Created in 1946 by Gabriel Loire (1904-1996) to make his own stained glass windows and mosaics, the workshops are now run by Jacques, Hervé and Bruno (Gabriel's son and grandsons). They perpetuate creativity and technical research while maintaining their know-how for traditional stained glass windows and glass slabs. With a team of about ten craftsmen, the workshops can carry out very important projects in France and abroad. Created in 1946 by Gabriel Loire (1904-1996) to make his own stained glass windows and mosaics, the workshops are now run by Jacques, Hervé and Bruno (Gabriel's son and grandsons). They perpetuate creativity and technical research while maintaining their know-how for traditional stained glass windows and glass slabs. With a team of about ten craftsmen, the workshops can carry out very important projects in France and abroad.